Trump and Allies Root for Biden to Stay in Race Amid Recent Missteps

Trump and Allies Root for Biden to Stay in Race Amid Recent Missteps

The political arena is heating up as the 2024 presidential election approaches, and the spotlight is once again on President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Recent blunders and missteps by Biden have not gone unnoticed, and they have prompted Trump and several of his allies to openly express a strategic hope that Biden remains in the race. Their reasoning is clear: they believe that Biden, with his current vulnerabilities, presents a more beatable opponent compared to other potential Democratic contenders.

Biden’s Recent Missteps

President Biden has faced a series of challenges and public gaffes that have raised questions about his viability as a candidate for re-election. From stumbles in speeches to policy missteps, these incidents have been widely covered and scrutinized by the media and political analysts.

One of the most notable recent incidents involved Biden’s comments on the economy. His statement that “the economy is doing great” was met with criticism, as many Americans continue to feel the pinch of inflation and economic uncertainty. This disconnect between the administration’s messaging and the public’s lived experience has fueled skepticism and provided ammunition for political opponents.

Additionally, Biden’s handling of foreign policy issues, such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan, has been a point of contention. The chaotic nature of the withdrawal and the subsequent humanitarian crisis drew bipartisan criticism and damaged Biden’s credibility on the international stage.

Trump’s Strategic Calculations

Donald Trump, never one to shy away from controversy, has capitalized on Biden’s blunders. Trump’s campaign and his allies are framing Biden as a weak and ineffective leader, hoping to draw a stark contrast between the current administration and Trump’s previous tenure.

From a strategic standpoint, Trump’s team views Biden as the most favorable opponent in the general election. They argue that Biden’s age, cognitive abilities, and perceived disconnect with everyday Americans make him an easy target. Trump has repeatedly mocked Biden’s verbal slip-ups and physical stumbles, painting a picture of a president who is not up to the demands of the office.

Moreover, Trump’s advisors believe that running against Biden allows them to re-litigate the 2020 election, galvanizing Trump’s base with claims of election fraud and a “stolen” victory. This narrative keeps Trump’s supporters energized and maintains their focus on Biden as the embodiment of what they see as a flawed and illegitimate administration.

The Democratic Dilemma

While Trump and his allies are clear about their preference for Biden as an opponent, the Democratic Party faces a dilemma. On one hand, Biden is the incumbent president with the power of the office behind him. Incumbency traditionally provides significant advantages, including name recognition, a built-in fundraising apparatus, and the ability to shape policy and public perception.

On the other hand, Biden’s vulnerabilities are evident. His approval ratings have fluctuated, and there is a growing sentiment within some factions of the Democratic Party that a fresh face might be needed to energize the base and appeal to swing voters. Potential candidates like Vice President Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and California Governor Gavin Newsom are often mentioned as possible alternatives.

However, any move to replace Biden on the ticket would be fraught with risks. It could be seen as a sign of weakness and division within the party, potentially alienating Biden’s supporters and creating a messy primary battle. The Democrats must weigh the potential benefits of a new candidate against the loyalty and stability that Biden represents.

Media and Public Perception

The media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception of the candidates. Biden’s recent missteps have been widely covered, but the framing of these events varies significantly across different media outlets. Conservative media, such as Fox News, often highlight Biden’s gaffes and policy failures, reinforcing the narrative pushed by Trump and his allies. Liberal outlets, like CNN and MSNBC, tend to be more forgiving, focusing on Biden’s accomplishments and the challenges he inherited from the previous administration.

Public perception is also influenced by social media, where narratives can be amplified or undermined by viral content. Memes, videos, and tweets that mock Biden’s age and perceived cognitive decline can spread rapidly, further entrenching negative views. Conversely, Biden’s team uses social media to highlight his successes and humanize him, attempting to counteract the negative portrayals.

The Road to 2024

As the 2024 election draws closer, the stakes for both parties continue to rise. For Trump, securing the Republican nomination and ultimately the presidency hinges on maintaining a strong base and appealing to undecided voters. His team’s strategy of positioning Biden as a weak opponent is central to this effort.

For Biden, the path forward involves addressing the criticisms head-on and demonstrating his ability to lead effectively. This includes managing the economy, handling international crises, and connecting with voters on a personal level. The Democratic Party must also navigate the internal debates about whether Biden is the best candidate to lead them to victory.

Ultimately, the decision about who will be on the ballot in November 2024 will have profound implications for the future of the United States. The contrasting strategies of Trump and Biden, along with the underlying dynamics within their respective parties, will shape the political landscape in the coming months.


The recent missteps by President Joe Biden have provided Donald Trump and his allies with a strategic opportunity. By emphasizing Biden’s vulnerabilities, they hope to frame him as a beatable opponent in the 2024 presidential race. However, the Democratic Party faces a complex decision about whether to stick with Biden or consider alternative candidates. As the election approaches, the actions and strategies of both parties will be closely watched, with the outcome likely to have lasting impacts on American politics.


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