Hair Care: Use hair gel and conditioner made from this vegetable for shiny hair, the method of making it is easy

Hair Care: Nowadays people are so busy that they do not even get time for themselves. This is the reason that they neither have time to get full sleep nor to take care of themselves. Everyone is busy making a career. Due to being busy all day, people are not able to take proper care of their food and drink, the effect of which starts showing on their body and skin.

Along with the body and skin, the effect of a spoiled lifestyle is also seen on the hair. Although you will find all kinds of hair care products in the market that provide nutrition to your hair, but there are many people who are afraid of using chemical products.

In such a situation, you can also take care of your hair by adopting a home remedy. In today's article, we will teach you to make hair gel and conditioner from ladyfinger so that you can use it without fear. Your hair will definitely benefit from the use of ladyfinger gel and conditioner made without chemicals.

Ingredients for making conditioner

Ladyfinger - 10-15
Water - 2 cups
Honey - 1 tsp
Aloe vera gel - 2 tsp


To make conditioner from ladyfinger, first wash the ladyfinger and cut it into small pieces. Now put 2 cups of water in a pan and add chopped ladyfinger pieces to it. Let it boil on medium flame for 15-20 minutes. After this, when the ladyfinger mixture becomes thick and sticky, then remove it from the flame. After it cools down, filter it with the help of a clean cloth or sieve. Finally add honey and aloe vera gel to it. You can store it in a clean container. 

Ingredients for making hair gel

Okra - 10-15
Water - 2 cups


To make hair gel, first wash the ladyfinger and cut it into small pieces. Now boil these pieces in water. After 20 minutes, filter it and keep it aside. The thick substance that comes out of it is hair gel. You can use it in your hair. 


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