By drinking such drinks, the problem of hair fall will stop

When insulin intolerance increases in the body, the amount of DHT in our body also increases. The higher the amount of DHT, the shorter the hair follicles. Later, the hair root gets damaged and loses its ability to hold the hair. Even the slightest external twitch causes the hair to loosely pull from the root. So, when DHT levels are high, reducing it naturally is the best solution.

A wonderful pay is available for this. It can be prepared with nettle, coriander seeds, peppermint seeds and cumin seeds. Let's see how this home remedy can help prevent hair fall.


Anti-itch tea


  • These leaves have very sharp spines that can sting the pet's skin and cause severe itching.
  • Tea made from these leaves is available in ready form. It also contains vitamins, antioxidants and minerals like iron and silica in good quantity. In particular, the enzymes present in it prevent the conversion of the testosterone chemical into DHT.




  • Nutrients in fenugreek provide the necessary nourishment to the hair roots. Mentha also contains good amount of protein which is required for hair growth.
  • Along with this, the nutrient galactomannan in it controls blood sugar levels and improves insulin tolerance.


Large cumin seeds

Apart from giving a good taste to the tea, the anethol and flavonoids present in them have anti-inflammatory properties. These provide good nutrition to the damaged scalp hair roots and help the roots to become stronger.


Coriander seeds

Coriander seeds, which enhance the taste of our cooking, also have the property of balancing chemicals. The anti-inflammatory compounds in it prevent inflammation in the scalp. Not only that, these also enhance the taste of our tea.



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